Juris Impudence

by Ed Robinson

Wherein this world is cold and sore
And words of pain can far abuse,
In union hide forevermore
The poet and his Quiet Muse.

Or so he thought his life would go
Until the world should turning stall,
But yet, she left him there to know
He'd lost his soul, the words and all.

At first he mourned, then angry grew
And sought a case through Civil law.
He hired Cochran, filed to sue,
And then subpoenaed Muses all.

Calliope would witness, see,
Then Clio, sworn in, testify,
Then Erato and Euterpe
And Thalia would soon be tried.

Urania, Melpomene
And Polyhymnia he'd call;
Terpsichore, would sorry be,
He'd be revenged on one and all.

Apollo would be made to show,
Yes even gods would pay the cost!
But when the day in court came, lo
He had no contract, so he lost.

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All works on this page or linked directly from The Quiet Muse are © Ed Robinson. Any use or reproduction, except in excerpt or review, without written permission from the author will result in prosecution.