Narm Tikon
Scene 5
EXT-SHOT: The Cascade. Another small explosion punctuates the previous scene.
INT-SHOT: Nano's Winery. NARM looks shocked. JOK is on the floors. RASPIN stands behind some racks, stumbling under the rocking explosion.
NARM: What!?!
JOK (half-standing): I found the charges, Narm. And I removed them. The engines are fine.
NARM: But I heard the explosion!
JOK (smirking): Oh, that. I thought you might want your bombs back, so I strapped them to the Devil's Fire. I couldn't get insi...
NARM: My Ship!?! I'll kill you!
NARM goes for his gun, but RASPIN shoots it out of his hand. NARM drops to the floor and rolls. When he sits up, he finds JOK's micro-blaster pointed between his eyes from about half a foot away, where JOK is now standing.
JOK: Game's over, Tikon!
May the Force be with you!
This Page last updated 15 October 1998