Dis is da web page uv da Skorcht Urf Boyz! We got da best gunz and wheelz and we iz comin to yur little wurld to trash da oomies, so yuz betta watch da skies! We iz a part uv da Speed Freekz wot wurships da holy clenzin' firez uv Gork an Mork.
We know yuz is finkin dat yur little mareenz will stop us, but yuz ded wrong. We iz gonna shell dem armoured oomies and suk out da creemy centerz. Den, when we iz dun wif dem, we iz gonna come stomp on doze impy gard oomies and munch on da little gurly mareenz too.
An anuvver fing, dere ain't nuttin wot can stand up to wez burnas an schorchas an big gunz. Wez gonna roll ova yuz wif wez bikes an trukks and traks and buggies an tanks wot we stolt an made betta, an rain down pain from wez coptas and fighta bommaz!
Iz more comin soon, so yu betta come back an see, ur else wez get mad an come bom yu to bitz!